Donate and help building a sustainable world!

Você pode contribuir para o conhecimento e a conservação da biodiversidade do cerrado e a construção de soluções sustentáveis que valorizam cultura e inovação.
A sua colaboração é fundamental para multiplicar os impactos positivos, apoiando Ayrumã para que possamos expandir as áreas de proteção e o apoio aos projetos sócio-ambientais na região.
Recebemos muitos pedidos de visitação e voluntariado, que buscam uma mudança substancial na vida que as conecte com um coletivo, que lhes dê esperança para fazerem parte e aprenderem novas formas de atuação no mundo, para exercerem sua cidadania consciente.
Mas para isso tornar-se possível, essa colaboração de cada um nessa campanha, será fundamental.
Sua doação será essencial para a realização desse sonho de viver junto em comunidade e para abrir os caminhos para todos que queiram vivenciar essa experiência.
Cada fase acontecerá de acordo com os recursos captados. Cada fase engloba a anterior.
Fase 1 - R$30.000 fechamento casa, com piso paredes, janelas e portas
Fase 2 - R$60.000,00 fase 1 + anexo escritório e banheiro seco
Fase 3 - R$100.000,00 fase 2 + refeitório e dormitório
Fase 4 - R$130.000,00 fase 3 + varanda e deck
Tudo que passar desse valor será canalizado para as infraestruturas. Temos o plano para construir também uma escola, um atelier, espaço de meditação e cerimônias, uma marcenaria e um laboratório de produtos naturais.
You can contribute to the knowledge and conservation of biodiversity in the Cerrado and the construction of sustainable solutions that value culture and innovation.
Your collaboration is essential to multiply the positive impacts, supporting Ayrumã so that we can expand the areas of protection and support socio-environmental projects in the region.
It's time to co-create!
This delicate moment we are going through has awakened in many people a deep need to belong to a cause, and a strong need to be more integrated with nature.
You who feel this longing to live experiences in a welcoming space, which is healing, accompanied by creative and loving people, this dream is getting closer and closer to becoming possible with the support of everyone.
In the 7 years that Ayrumã has been working with projects with the community in Capivari, Serro / MG for 7 years, there is no covered space in the ecovillage (nor in the region) for this purpose, only open air, for the development of social, environmental and cultural technologies.
Besides this, the community where Ayrumã is located is located in a region of great environmental importance that is threatened by mining enterprises, which makes it increasingly vulnerable. To make the situation even worse, there is a lack of support from the state and public policies for socio-environmental needs.
We are building the Mother House, as a collective space, to enhance group activities for: courses, seminars, festivals, meetings, experiences and joint work.
Once this space is materialized, art, science, education, and the potential of each member will proliferate and continue to generate abundance for the association and all its surroundings, in the communities where Ayrumã operates.
We will be with open arms for all those who want to experience this exchange, volunteering, and living in a place of rich biodiversity and beautiful nature, which provides healing for all who visit.
We have been for 7 years in an immersion of group development through social technologies, permaculture, non-violent communication, protection and conservation of native vegetation, the construction of internal organization by sowing knowledge and experiences in the formation of a community.
We contribute through the articulation of joint actions among community associations, schools and universities, third sector entities, and public administration, developing actions based on three pillars: Biodiversity and Conservation, Education and Culture, and Sustainability and Permaculture.
In addition to caring for a 132-hectare reserve, we support biodiversity conservation through scientific research and environmental education, and seek to intensify the neighboring network of conservation units with the Pico do Itambé, Rio Preto and Biribiri State Parks, the Várzea do Lajeado Natural Monument, and the Águas Vertentes Environmental Protection Area.
We have supported actions in the region such as: the creation of the Sempre Viva school, to teach young people and adults to read and write; the recovery of cultural traditions; support for community-based tourism; food autonomy and the complementation of family income; popular courses for the learning of low-cost technologies.
This whole process has already had a positive impact on several lives, from the members of Ayrumã, everyone who visited, to the surrounding communities. By having our infrastructure established, we will be able to greatly expand these actions, and receive people interested in making this immersion, and living new experiences.
We know the challenges of making a transition from the current capitalist system to a collective way of living in communion with the planet earth, perceiving it as a living being. Migrating from a feeling of separation, to understanding that we are Nature.
The demand has grown a lot for spaces like Ayrumã, which are in a place of abundant nature, with pure waters, and spectacular landscapes, of a rich biodiversity, and with a group of members full of talents to offer the world new paradigms of cooperation and engaged spirituality. But we are limited in sharing all this wealth, for lack of infrastructure.
We need resources to build these structures, to enable the group to establish itself, with well-integrated conditions of living on earth, being able to offer living spaces for all who intend to arrive.
We receive many requests for visits and volunteering, who are looking for a substantial change in life that connects them to a collective, that gives them hope to be part of and learn new ways of acting in the world, to exercise their conscious citizenship. But for this to become possible, the collaboration of each one of us in this campaign will be fundamental.
Your donation will be essential to make this dream of living together in community come true, and to open the paths for everyone who wants to live this experience.
Each phase will take place according to the resources raised. Each phase encompasses the previous one.
Phase 1 - R$30,000 to close the house, with floor, walls, windows and doors
Phase 2 - R$60,000.00 phase 1 + annex office and dry toilet
Phase 3 - $100,000.00 Phase 2 + dinning room and dormitory
Phase 4 - $130,000.00 phase 3 + veranda and deck
Everything that passes this value will be channeled to infrastructure. We also have plans to build a school, an atelier, space for meditation and ceremonies, a carpentry shop, and a laboratory for natural products.
If you donate an amount different from the ones indicated on the site and want to choose a reward, please contact us directly.
Who We Are
We are an intentional community and a non-profit civil society organization that promotes the holistic integration of the ecological, economic, social, and cultural dimensions of sustainability through participatory processes, fomenting actions and relationships of cooperation, solidarity, and integration with nature, to ensure the well-being of all life forms and their future generations.
OUR PRINCIPLES: Biodiversity, Conservation, Education, Culture, Sustainability, Permaculture
How will the money donated be used?
Building the Motherhouse
This campaign focuses on raising funds to build a collective space.
This covered space will be the first of the collective physical structures of the Ayrumã Association.
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Agradecemos profundamente a todos que nos apoiaram na caminhada até aqui.
Com essa primeira campanha, além do dinheiro, que irá ser revertido para a construção da nossa querida casa mãe, também tivemos o prazer de receber novos amigos para Ayrumã, assim expandindo essa importantíssima rede de parceiros!
Vocês agora fazem parte da história de Ayrumã:
Adriana Gomes Penido
Alexandre Augusto Dornelas Cruz
Alexandre Brisolla
Alexsander A. Azevedo
Alires de Araújo
André Aristóteles Da Rocha Muniz
André Fraga Damasceno
André Trigueiro Mendes
Angela M. S. Mucida
Anita C. M. Pascali
Anna Flora Carvalho De Oliveira
Betty Ilana Zajdenwerg
Bruno Rodrigues Dos Santos
Cateline A.D. Ronsse
Celma Collet
Christiane Netto Silva De Carvalho
Cristina Vaz
Deborah Cimini Cancela Saches
Eliana M. G. Martinez
Elisa De Morais Paschoal
Evelyn Zajdenwerg
Fátima Gottschalg
Felipe Guimarães Araujo
Guatasara Thiago Pousas
Harlley Simplício Soares
Igor Amin Ataides
Ingrid Maria Furlan Oberg
João Arruda
Jordão Vieira Silva
José Bernardo Filho
Karine Roza
Laila Molina
Lara Zaiden
Larissa Lamas Pucci
Leandro Cézanne De Souza Assis
Lilian Zajdenwerg
Lisa Mallet
Lourenço Fernandes
Luciano Lima Dubois Collet
Luciano Milen
Marcelo Luiz Soares De Souza
Maria Márcia De Almeida Aguiar
Mariana Maia Klimkievicz Moreira
Mariana Motta F. Alves
Marina Utsch
Maurício Klimkievicz Moreira
Mauro Meirelles De Oliveira Santos
Monica De Cássia Langsdorff Souza Castro
Nuno Arcanjo
Paulo Baptista
Pedro Samuel Coelho Faria
Pedro Z. Guimarães
Raquel L Miranda
Rhavi Lirio Viana Da Silva
Samuel Wallace Macdowell
Simonete Torres Aguiar
Uriel Luano Viana Da Silva
Valdeci De Assis Fernandes
Vania Suzan De S. Lima
Virgínia Delacroix Cury
Márcia Campaneiro